Hong Kong Phooey - Meet Rosemary The Telephone Operator

Kathy Gori is a prolific voice over actor who has played some of the classic cartoon characters of all time but her most famous creation was Rosemary the Telephone Operator in the hit 1970s series Hong Kong Phooey. Started in 1974, it only ran for a short time but was repeated over and over again and became a staple diet for kids throughout the 70s and 80s. Produced by Hanna Barbara it centred around the mild mannered janitor. Here Kathy tells MIM's Ashley Byrne how she found herself playing a cop in love with a dog in kimono.

Distinct Nostalgia is produced by MIM Productions: www.madeinmanchester.tv
Twitter @mimproductions

All Distinct Nostalgia episodes can now also be found at distinctnostalgia.com

Ideas for shows, documentaries, reunions and even drama should be emailed to info@madeinmanchester.tv

Distinct Nostalgia is brought to you in partnership with The Life Rooms and the Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust. #StayingWellStayingHome!

The Distinct Nostalgia Theme Tune is composed by Rebecca Applin and Chris Warner


Back to Hartley: The Juliet Bravo Reunion


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